A person commits harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise touches a person or subjects him to physical contact. Simply touching another person may be considered harassment, if the other person believes you are doing the touching with the intent to annoy or alarm. The prosecution does not need to prove harm to convict you of harassment.
The prosecution does not even need to prove physical contact to convict you of harassment. Any person who repeatedly insults, taunts, challenges, or makes communications in offensively coarse language to another in a manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response, may be charged and ultimately convicted of harassment.
If you direct obscene language or make an obscene gesture to or at another person in a public place, you may be charged with harassment.
If you communicate with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, text message, instant message, or computer, in a manner intended to harass or threaten bodily injury or property damage, or you make any comment, request, suggestion, or proposal by telephone, or computer, that is obscene, you may be charged with harassment.
Harassment is a misdemeanor offense. However, if you are involved in a past or present intimate relationship with the victim of the harassment, you are subject to domestic violence harassment.
Upon sentencing for harassment with a factual basis involving domestic violence, you will be required to complete a domestic violence evaluation and treatment.